In my last post I went over how to manually link C++ libraries to Xcode project. While that is useful to know, it gets tedious to maintain once you have multiple C++ dependencies. In addition, if the library you want to link does not come with built binary, you are responsible for that too which in some cases may not be fun at all.

Enter Conan

Conan is a package manager for C/C++ that in addition to getting libraries, it allows for easy building of libraries for various CPU architectures which I personally find incredibly useful.


Past few weeks I spent some time building cross-platform library using C++ for iOS and Android which ended up depending on Crypto++. This meant that besides building the Crypto++ from source for iOS and iOS simulator, now I needed to build it for four more architectures (armV7, armV8), x86 and x86_64) that Android runs on.

Integrating Conan with Xcode

First things first, you need to make sure that you have Conan installed. The easiest way is with Homebrew, simply open terminal and run brew install conan. Once that’s sorted out, change directory to where your Xcode project is and create new “conanfile.txt” file. Make sure that it contains the following:


this sets up Conan to look for 8.8.0 version of Crypto++. Then in the “generators” section of the file it tells Conan to generate xcconfig files that will ultimately help us link the library.

Next, it is required to create a Conan profile that describes how to build the library. It contains information like which CPU architecture to build for, whether to build in debug or release mode etc. So still in directory where your Xcode project is, go ahead and create empty file and give it “simulator-profile” name. You can pick whatever name you like, this is just my preference. After that, it should contain the following:


this is pretty self-explanatory. It tells Conan to build the library for armV8 architecture using Clang version 15 and it tells what is the minimum iOs deployment target in addition to which SDK to build for.

Building and linking

After installing Conan, setting up “conanfile.txt” and “simulator-profile” it is time to build. Make sure your working directory in the terminal is the one that contains “conanfile.txt” and run

conan install . --build=missing --profile=simulator-profile --output-folder=conan-generated

Here is the breakdown of the entire command:

  • conan install . runs “install” command from conan. The “.” is used to look for “conanfile.txt” in the current working directory.
  • --build=missing explicitly tells Conan that the build for the library is missing which makes it build the library from source, hence the word “missing”.
  • --profile=simulator-profile this is passing profile file that I created earlier.
  • --output-folder=conan-generated this is the directory where Conan will generate files using generators I specified in “conanfile.txt”. I named it “conan-generated” but you can name that whatever you like, popular one is “build”.

So after command ran, you should see “conan-generated” directory next to your other project files. I recommend adding “conan-generated/” to .gitignore. All that’s left is to open your Xcode project and add “conan_config.xcconfig” file that is in “conan-generated” directory. I won’t go into specifics of using config files in Xcode, there is plenty of articles about that, like the one from NSHipster. It’s important to note that XcodeDeps aggregates all files and settings. Therefore, running the command above multiple times is not only acceptable but also necessary if you want it to generate configurations for all cases. For example if you want to have library linked both for simulator and device in debug and release configurations, you should run the command with different parameters multiple times.

Closing words

Even though there is a bit of learning curve and setup when it comes to Conan, it makes our lives much easier. Once you grasp the concepts you realize that integration between Conan and Xcode is fundamentally very simple. To deepen your understanding of Conan and its generators, it is best to consult official Conan documentation page. And to explore the vast universe of C/C++ libraries available for use with Conan, Conan center is the best place for that.